Monday, February 6, 2012


When I was in school I didn't have an option of being late. Well I did, but I also knew that negative consequences were attached to being late to class. I knew that at the very least everyone would be watching who was running through the door, I'd miss some super valuable piece of lecture or I'd have less time to complete a "pop" quiz.

It's funny that we get older and have more resources to get around faster and yet we still struggle to be on-time. In fact, for my generation, few arrive early to a function. It's almost the expectation. Formal affairs have adopted a cordial hour strategy to allow people to enter the event late without consequence.

Maybe if I had children I would be able to empathize a little bit more. Or I could use the excuse. I do understand some things are out of our control. And instead of planning better we accept the new practice as a standard operating procedure. Why do we do this? Why do we allow it of one another?

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